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拉克斯维尔 - 夏洛茨维尔智选假日套房酒店


Our two meeting rooms equal 3600 sq. ft. of function space. One room is 1500 sq. ft of space while the other is 2100 sq. ft. of space. These two spaces together accommodates a general session for 60 to 75 people with two breakouts.

Rivanna Room

2100 Sq. Ft. of functional space for the association, corporate or government meeting. This room also divides in half if breakout session are needed.


150 宾客


  • 提供邮寄服务

  • 会议签到服务

  • 打印服务

  • 会议及活动创意概念咨询

  • 当日干洗服务

  • Wi-Fi throughout hotel

  • 提供活动策划

  • 宴会餐饮服务