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Guishan Pier
Holiday Inn Express Zhuhai Guishan Island

À proximité

Guishan Island is located in the district of Guishan Town, Zhuhai City, and is the seat of Guishan Town government.

Choses à faire

Dolphin bay

Dolphin Bay Beach is the second hydrophilic beach on Guishan Island. It is named for its proximity to the precious Chinese white Dolphin reserve. With gentle terrain and water quality, Dolphin Bay Beach is a good place for swimming and splashing.

Réservations :

No. 32 Guishan Avenue, Guishan Town, Xiangzhou District Zhuhai, GD 519006 Mainland China

Arrivée: 3:00 PM

Départ: 12:00 PM

Âge minimum requis pour l’enregistrement