Our Freshly Renovated Lobby is 10 Miles from OKC via I 35
Our Newly Renovated Hotel Provides Quick Highway Access
Our Freshly Renovated Lobby is 10 Miles from OKC via I 35
Our Newly Renovated Hotel Provides Quick Highway Access
Brand New Beds in Every Suite
Newly Renovated Kitchens With All New Appliances
Enjoy our Double Bed Room with Brand New Beds
Newly Renovated Kitchens Are Fully Stocked and Ready for Cooking
Fully Furnished and Newly Renovated Kitchens in Every Room
All Guest Rooms Are Refreshed To High Cleanliness Standards
Newly Renovated Accessible Suites Available
All One Bedroom Suites include a Separate Living Area
Brand New Beds in Every Suite
Newly Renovated Kitchens With All New Appliances
Enjoy our Double Bed Room with Brand New Beds
Newly Renovated Kitchens Are Fully Stocked and Ready for Cooking
Fully Furnished and Newly Renovated Kitchens in Every Room
All Guest Rooms Are Refreshed To High Cleanliness Standards
Newly Renovated Accessible Suites Available
All One Bedroom Suites include a Separate Living Area
Complimentary Business Center is Always Open
Complimentary Laundry Facility Always Open
Complimentary Business Center is Always Open
Complimentary Laundry Facility Always Open
Complimentary Laundry Facility Always Open
Candlewood Cupboard
Candlewood Cupboard
Complimentary Laundry Facility Always Open
Candlewood Cupboard
Candlewood Cupboard
If you're planning to visit Oklahoma City, our Newly Renovated hotel's accommodations are situated perfectly between Oklahoma City and Norman, providing quick access to both downtown and the University of Oklahoma.
- 酒店内商务中心
- 商务中心全天开放
- 商务中心在 12:00 下午 到 12:00 下午 之间配有工作人员
- 打印机
- 复印
- 扫描仪
- 配有办公用品
- 24 小时开放的酒廊
- 免费健身中心
- Our Fitness Center is open all day and night, and includes treadmill, stationary bike, stair climber, and weights in all sizes.
- 营业时间: 12:00 下午 至 12:00 下午
- 健身中心设备:自由重量器械, 踏步机, 动感单车, 跑步机
- 健身中心类型:LIMITED
- 健身中心设备上次翻新:2023
- 每周客房打扫
- 全套客房打扫服务
- 有限的客房打扫服务
- 酒店内住客自助洗衣设施
- 营业时间:12:00 上午 至 12:00 上午
- 在 房间, 套房, 商务中心, 公共区域 和 会议场地 提供有线网络。
- 为所有IHG® One Rewards 优悦会会员提供免费的标准有线网络服务
- 在 房间, 套房, 商务中心, 公共区域 和 会议场地 提供无线网络。
- 所有 IHG® One Rewards 优悦会会员都可免费使用无线上网服务
- 大堂提供免费咖啡
- 叫醒电话
- 行李架
- 设有贮藏室
- 配有保险箱
- 便利店