Candlewood Suites Temple - 醫療中心區
Candlewood Suites Temple - 醫療中心區
1850 Scott Blvd.
入住: 3下午
- 最佳房價保證
當你通過官網直接預訂,可獲享房價優惠禮遇。假如您發現其他地方提供更低的價格,我們將為您提供五倍 IHG® Rewards Club 優悅會積分 (最多高達 40,000 點),讓您專心享受住宿,不擔心荷包問題。
- 網路訂房保證
- 零訂房費用!
- 資料隱私權和網站安全性
IHG 認真對待您的隱私權,用心保護您的個人資訊。 所有您提供給我們的個人資訊都已加密,具備安全性。
Candlewood Suites Temple - 醫療中心區
Live in Comfort with Spacious Suites in Temple, Texas.
Perfect for business & leisure travelers, the Candlewood Suites Temple-Medical Center Area hotel is one of the most conveniently located hotels in Central Texas. Only five minutes from I-35 and a few minutes from the downtown area, our guests find it convenient to visit the many surrounding towns during their extended stay.Enjoy the comforts of our spacious suites with cover lit bedding, an over sized work desk and a full kitchen. Our location accommodates business travelers well. We are directly across the street from the Baylor Scott & White Medical Campus. Being located near McLane Children's Hospital, the Veterans Administration Medical Complex, the University of Mary Hardin Baylor, and McLane Manufacturing makes for an easy commute with time to spare.
We offer our guests the convenience of staying connected with free Wi-Fi access and keeping your regular routine while on the road with free laundry service and the 24- hour Candlewood Gym. We welcome you home and invite you to relax at our gazebo or pick up a quick and easy meal at the Candlewood Cupboard. You can also stop by our Lending Library for a DVD or our Lending Locker for those household essentials that you may have left at home. Once you are settled in, we're sure you'll consider us home during your extended stay.免費高速網路
- 房間, 套房, 商務中心, 公共區域 與 會議空間 中提供有線網路服務。
- 所有 IHG® 優悅會會員可免費享受標準有線上網服務
- 房間, 套房, 商務中心, 公共區域 與 會議空間 中提供無線網路服務。
- 所有 IHG® 優悅會會員可免費享受無線網路服務
- 頂級網路費用:0 USD
接駁車/ 停車場
- 免費提供每日自助泊車服務
- 可攜帶寵物
- 可帶服務性動物
- 提供寵物活動區域
- 寵物每次住宿訂金:0 USD
- 寵物每晚住宿價格: 25 USD
- Pets staying 1 to 6 nights require a non refundable 50 dollar fee. Pets staying 6 to14 nights require a non refundable fee 100 dollar fee. Pets staying 14 or more nights will require a non refundable fee of 150 dollars!
- American Express
- Visa
- Master Card
- Diners Club
- 全權委託
- 發現卡
- 無煙設施
- 樓層數:3
- 客房總數:76
- 套房數: 4
- 非吸煙房數:76
- 無障礙客房數:5
- 提供連通套房
- 目前修繕中:2022 至 2022
- Room refreshes are underway! Don't worry, there is no noise or construction involved! Stay tuned!
- 已修繕的公共區域:2017
- 已修繕的客房:2017
- 公共出入口
- null
- 電梯
- 公共洗手間
- 入住登記櫃台
- 運動設施
- 商務中心
- 無障礙會議室間數:0
- 入住登記櫃檯
- 無障礙客房
- 商務中心
- 運動設施
- 無障礙自助停車
- 休旅車無障礙自助停車服務
- 斜坡道
- 浴缸行動座椅
- 閉鎖式字幕電視
- 客房裝有聲光鬧鈴/警報器
- 公共區域目視警鈴/警報器
- 附帶聲光鬧鈴的通訊套件