フロントデスクへのお電話: 1-345-7460000
Eメール: talktous@seafireresortandspa.com
The Seafire Resort + Spa transcends the typical Caribbean resort by becoming the first boutique resort. Here, trendsetting contemporary design meets the timeless allure of world-famous Seven Mile Beach for the first time. Boundless open-air architecture features commanding views of the sea at every turn, unfolding to meandering gardens, countless unexpected sanctuaries, and convivial gathering spaces. Escape effortlessly into your sensory adventure of choice, from spontaneous and social, to serene and secluded, all with memorable Caymanian flavor and warm Kimpton spirit.
チェックイン - 4:00 PM/ チェックアウト - 12:00 PM
チェックイン可能年齢: 21歳以上