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Hotel Indigo Bandung Dago Pakar

Local area

Hotel Indigo Sketch Streetscape

​萬隆達戈帕卡英迪格酒店坐落於山丘上周圍環繞著鬱鬱蔥的綠色植物和晨霧為客人提供城市的美景與原始森林、種植園和天然瀑布相映成趣。 伴隨著活力四射的藝術和文化。



Puncak Kordon RT 02 RW 10, Ciburial, Cimenyan, Bandung, West Java 40198

Let's hike up the hill from our door and enjoy a dramatic view of green hills, a winding river, lush forest, rice paddies, and looming mountains on the horizon from Tebing Keraton.

Taman Hutan Raya Juanda

Kompleks Tahura, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.9, Bandung, West Java 40198

 Explore the nearby attractions and discover the beauty of Taman Hutan Raya Juanda. Take in the breathtaking views of the waterfall and enjoy the calming ambience it creates

Saung Angklung Udjo

Jl. Padasuka No.118, Pasirlayung, Kec. C, Bandung,

Saung Angklung Udjo is a cultural and educational tourism destination, they has a performance arena, bamboo craft center and workshops for bamboo musical instruments. Apart from that, the presence of Saung Angklung Udjo in Bandung is more meaningful because of his concern to continue preserving and developing Sundanese culture - especially Angklung - to the community through education and training facilities

Dusun Bambu

Jl. Kolonel Masturi No.KM. 11, Kertawan,

Dusun Bambu is a one-stop leisure in a 15 hectare area located at the foot of mount Burangrang. It is a place of adventure and relaxation with the tranquil options of traditional cottage and glamping to exploring nature with attractive activities such as Sampan Sangkuring, We Family Playground, Water Coaster, Electric Scooter, Little Zoo, Shooting Target, and Go Kart.

Rumah Batik Komar

Jl. Cigadung Raya Timur No.1 No.5, Cigad, Bandung,

Rumah Batik Komar is home to handcrafted Batik from Cirebon. They are located just 10 minutes away from the hotel. Aside from the retail, they also offer classes and workshops to see or create your own Batik, which made the perfect cultural experience for you to taste the true art of Batik


Jl. Dago Pakar Raya No. 3 Bandung, 40198 Indonesia

Check-in: 3:00 下午

Check-out: 12:00 下午

Minimum check-in age: 18

Hotel Indigo Sketch Basket