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Hong Kong Palace Museum
Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong


酒店座落於九龍尖沙咀彌敦道的黃金地段,屬香港著名商業及購物區。我們致力提供優質服務以及多完化餐飲選擇,讓商務或休閒訪客倍感舒適自在。 酒店毗鄰香港鐵路尖沙咀站貫通各區景點,步行至世界著名的維多利亞海旁只需五分鐘,距離香港國際機場亦只需四十分鐘車程。


Star Ferry

Kowloon Point, Tsim Sha Tsui,

The Star Ferry is well known as one of the world's best value-for-money sightseeing trips and essential journeys for visitors. The National Geographic Traveler named the ferry crossing as one of 50 places of a lifetime.

Cultural Centre

10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,

Hong Kong Cultural Centre offers stimulating environment for arts talents and quality programs to the public, and has since been witnessing the development of the arts in Hong Kong.


Yau Ma Tei,

Temple Street is an amazing shopping sight, featuring rows of brightly lit stalls hawking a variety of inexpensive items. Fortune-tellers cluster at the end of the street, as do Chinese opera enthusiasts seeking kindred spirits for impromptu performances.

Ocean Terminal

17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsu, Kowloon,

Ocean Terminal is the sole cruise terminal in Hong Kong and accommodated many luxurious and elegant cruise vessels like Queen Elizabeth 2, Norway, and the latest Star Princess since its debut.

Kowloon Park

22 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,

Kowloon Park was officially opened on 24 June 1970 by the then Governor, Sir David Trench. The park has a total area of 13.47 hectares, offering a full range of active and passive recreational facilities to the public, perfect for joggers.

Lan Kwai Fong and SoHo


Lan Kwai Fong is the most popular place for drinking and dining with a vibrant mixture of different cultures. It is not merely a place for pubs and discos. It boasts such a range of cuisine: from Italian to Japanese and of course Chinese.

Wong Tai Sin Temple

2, Chuk Yuen Village, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon,

Wong Tai Sin Temple is one of the most famous temples and a popular tourist spot in Hong Kong. Apart from the Main Altar which houses the Taoist God Wong Tai Sin, there are also various buildings of distinguished Chinese feature.

Tsing Ma Bridge

The magnificent Tsing Ma Bridge, the world's longest span suspension bridge carrying both road and rail traffic, is the key connection between Hong Kong and its international airport on Lantau Island. Opened mid-1997, this engineering marvel is now Hong Kong's proud new landmark, massively imposing by day, and a twinkling network of lights by night. The Lantau Link View Point and Visitors Centre north of the bridge on Tsing Yi provide excellent views of this and two adjoining bridges.

Po Lin Monastery

Lantau Island,

Besides as the must-go destination for prayers, Po Lin Monastery is also a top destination for tourists to experience the natural and cultural side of Hong Kong.


Po Lin Monastery, Lantau Island,

This statue is the world's largest Buddha statue, by using bronze, it's 34 metres tall and weighs 250 tones, completed in December 1993.

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

1 Expo Drive, Wanchai,

The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) located on the magnificent and renowned Victoria Harbour. It offers multi-purpose venues for exhibitions, conferences, meetings, corporate functions and entertainment events.

Repulse Bay

Hong Kong Island,

Repulse Bay is the most popular swimming place in Hong Kong with convenient transportation. Located in the south of Hong Kong Island, Repulse Bay is endowed with a pleasant seascape and charming vistas. Hong Kong Island.


Lantau Island,

Hong Kong Disneyland brings the magic of a world-class entertainment experience to people of all ages. Hong Kong is home to the fifth Disney Resort in the world.

Hong Kong Science Museum

2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,

The Science Museum showcases over 500 interesting exhibits, 70 percent of which are hands-on and offer an insight into a wide range of science-related subjects. The exhibition covers many areas of science and technology.

Hong Kong Space Museum

10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,

Astronomy and space science buffs should pay a visit to the citys only planetarium located in the unique egg-shaped domed building It also offers Omnimax and sky shows and astronomy exhibits. It is a great place for the whole family to visit.

Hong Kong Palace Museum

West Kowloon Cultural District, 8 Museum Drive, Kowloon,

The Hong Kong Palace Museum is a public museum in the West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong, exhibiting artifacts from the National Palace Museum at the Forbidden City in Beijing.


West Kowloon, Museum Dr, 38,

M+ is a museum of visual culture in the West Kowloon Cultural District of Hong Kong. It exhibits twentieth and twenty-first-century visual culture encompassing visual art, design and architecture, and moving image.


1 Expo Dr, Wan Chai North,

香港會議展覽中心是香港的主要大型會議及展覽場地,位於香港島灣仔北填海區,是香港最著名的地標之一。 香港會議展覽中心每年舉辦多項活動,包括展覽、大會/會議、宴會、香港美食博覽、香港美食節、香港書展及其他特別活動。 隨著新開啟的會展站;從酒店出發只需15分鐘的地鐵車程即可抵達。 方向指示:首先由尖沙嘴站上地鐵,於金鐘站下車並轉換至東鐵綫,下一站將會是會展站。


124 - 130 Hollywood Road, Central and Western District,

文武廟位於香港上環荷李活道,是香港開埠早期的中式廟宇。文武廟主要為供奉文昌及武帝,列聖宮則用作供奉諸神列聖。 從酒店出發只需25分鐘的地鐵車程即可抵達。 方向指示:首先由尖沙嘴站上地鐵,於中環站下車並轉換至港島綫,於上環站下車,步行8分鐘便可抵達。


7 Che Kung Miu Road, Tai Wai, Sha Tin,, New Territories,

沙田車公廟又稱大圍車公廟俗稱車公廟,是香港新界沙田區大圍一座廟宇,其中在現有廟宇建築物後舊廟為一座香港二級歷史建築,主祀車公。 每年農曆年初三,車公廟就會人頭湧湧、香火鼎盛,各男女善信上香朝拜後多會轉動壇前的銅風車,祈求新一年轉出好運新機。 從酒店出發只需35分鐘的地鐵車程即可抵達。 方向指示:首先由尖東站上地鐵,於大圍站下車,步行8分鐘便可抵達。


88 Universal Gate Road, Tung Tsz,, Hong Kong,

慈山寺是一座著名的佛教寺廟,位於香港大埔區洞梓。該寺以其 76 公尺高的青銅鑄造觀音雕像而聞名,觀音是佛教中備受尊崇的人物。它位於風景區,背靠八仙嶺山脈。該寺佔地約50萬平方英尺。 只需大約40分鐘車程便可抵達慈山寺。


50 Nathan Road,Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Check-in: 3:00 下午

Check-out: 12:00 下午

Minimum check-in age: 18