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Holiday Inn Express Lethbridge Southeast


3 meeting rooms available. Flexible business boardroom for seating up to 12 guests, Flexible meeting rooms which combine into 1 room with seating up to 100 guests

Flex Room

The Flex room is 300 square feet, located in the main lobby and features wall to ceiling windows and a 50 inch flat screen TV. The room is set up boardroom style for 12 people and can accommodate more depending on preferred set up style.


20 宾客


  • 全方位多媒体 + 视听设备

  • 会议室配备办公用品

  • 提供邮寄服务

  • 会议签到服务

  • 打印服务

  • 扫描仪
  • 复印服务
  • 打印机
  • 干洗衣服送洗或洗衣熨烫服务

  • 当日干洗服务

  • Wi-Fi throughout hotel

  • 宴会餐饮服务