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For flawless Pasadena events, choose one the hotel's well-appointed meeting rooms. The Sierra Room can accommodate up to 75 people. Each room also offers you free Wi-Fi access and A/V equipment.

シエラ ルーム

Sierra Room is 766 square feet with independent access. It is capable of seating 75 people Theatre Style, 55 people Classroom Style, 35 people Hollow Square, 28 people U-Shape or 25 people Conference Style. Food and Beverage is available upon request.


75 のお客様

Colorado I

Colorado I is 830 sq feet with independent access. It is capable of seating 70 people Theatre Style, 52 people Classroom Style, 40 people Hollow Square, 32 people U-Shape or 28 people Conference Style. Food and Beverage is available upon request.


75 のお客様

Colorado II

Colorado II is our largest event/meeting space at 1620 sq ft. It is capable of seating 165 people Theatre Style, 110 people Classroom Style, and 100 people Banquet style. Food and Beverage is available upon request.


165 のお客様


  • 電子機器、映像・音響設備サポートサービス

  • 宅配便手配サービス

  • 印刷サービス

  • コピーサービス
  • プリンター
  • 即日ドライクリーニング

  • ホテル全館でWi-Fiご利用可能