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Holiday Inn 杜塞尔多夫 - 诺伊斯





Münsterplatz, Neuss, 41460


Clemens-Sels-Museum Neuss

Am Obertor, Neuss, 41460

位于诺伊斯的克莱门斯-赛尔斯博物馆(Clemens Sels Museum)收藏了大量艺术品,包括绘画、陶瓷和雕塑。游客可以在这里发现不同时代的地区和国际艺术珍品。博物馆定期举办展览,并为各年龄段的艺术爱好者举办活动和讲习班。


Minkel 2, Neuss, 41472

洪布洛伊希岛博物馆和洪布洛伊希文化馆 位于诺伊斯的 Insel Hombroich 博物馆以独特的方式将建筑、艺术和自然融为一体。在田园诗般的自然公园中,博物馆收藏了大量当代艺术作品,并设有雕塑园。和谐的环境吸引着游客的感官,将他们带入一个充满美感和创造力的世界,从而激发他们的发现和灵感。

诺伊斯 - 室内滑雪馆 "Alpenpark Neuss"。

An der Skihalle 1, Neuss, 41472

诺伊斯阿尔卑斯公园(Alpenpark Neuss)的室内滑雪中心是诺伊斯游客的理想去处。室内滑雪中心提供全年的雪地体验和适合所有年龄段的冬季体育活动。园内有攀岩公园、滑雪场、单板滑雪区和雪橇滑道,在莱茵地区的中心为游客提供原汁原味的高山体验。在长 300 米、宽 100 米的滑雪道上,每晚都会下起晶莹剔透的雪花。

杜塞尔多夫媒体港(Düsseldorf MediaHarbour)

Düsseldorf MedienHafen, Am Handelshafen, Düsseldorf, 40221



Koenigsallee, Duesseldorf, 40212

杜塞尔多夫的Königsallee不仅仅是一条购物街--它是一个旗舰,一个展示品和一个国际商标。杜塞尔多夫人亲切地称它为 "Kö",它在塑造这座城市作为优雅购物目的地的声誉方面发挥了决定性的作用。时尚界的 "名人效应 "在此呈现。众多的旗舰店、小型精品店、豪华珠宝店和令人印象深刻的购物商场都在邀请您去逛逛。

杜塞尔多夫 - 兰卡里阿波罗喜剧剧院

Apollo-Platz 1, Duesseldorf, 40213

In a prominent position on the Rhine embankment promenade, directly under the Rheinknie bridge, a magnificent theatre was built with a uniquely intimate atmosphere. The fascinating world of variety theatre has come alive again under a starry sky: breathtaking artistry, acrobatics and top-class clownery.

Duesseldorf - Capitol Theatre

Erkrather Strasse 30, Duesseldorf, 40233

With 1,100 seats in the big hall and approx. 400 seats in the "Club", the Capitol-Theater Duesseldorf is the city's largest theatre. It was established in a former tram depot with more than 100 years of history. Located in the heart of Duesseldorf, the Capitol Theater guarantees exceptional and top-class entertainment by offering a selected programme of musical, show, comedy and dance. Highlights like Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Cabaret, Miami Nights and Cats cast a spell on the audience.

Duesseldorf - Foundation Castle and Park Benrath

Schlossallee 100-106, Duesseldorf, 40597

One of the most beautiful garden palaces of the 18th century is situated in Duesseldorf's southern district of Benrath. Planned and built between 1756 and 1773 by Nicolas de Pigage, the Palace and Park Benrath was constructed as a maison de plaisance for Elector Carl Theodor. The palace is an overall work of art dating from the late baroque period that combines art, landscaping and nature.


它被认为是最美丽的--杜塞尔多夫的莱茵河长廊之一。由建筑师尼克劳斯-弗里奇(Niklaus Fritschi)规划,并在1990年至1997年期间布置,它使城市重新回到了莱茵河畔。莱茵河畔长廊象征着杜塞尔多夫人民的莱茵式生活乐趣,尤其是在夏天,它体现了这座城市地中海式的生活态度。莱茵河长廊连接着传统的老城区和现代的梅迪恩哈芬,两旁是咖啡馆和酒吧。

Neanderthal Museum

Talstrasse 300, Mettmann, 40822

"我们从哪里来?" - "我们是谁?" - "我们要去哪里?" 这些核心问题引导参观者参观尼安德特人博物馆。展览展示了人类的踪迹--从大草原到今天的大城市的漫长旅程。重点是尼安德特人。博物馆里的真人大小的人物是根据发现的人类化石用科学方法重建的。

Zons on the Rhine (medieval atmosphere)

Zollfeste Zons, Dormagen, 41541

纯粹的中世纪:莱茵河畔的宗斯是为数不多的这种保存独特的中世纪城镇之一,其14世纪的防御工事保存得非常好。 宗斯的海关要塞距离诺伊斯大约15-20分钟。保存完好的城墙、城门、中世纪的街道和人行道,都在邀请您进行一次长时间的散步。

Neuss - Langen Foundation

Raketenstation Hombroich, Neuss, 41472

In front of the gates of Duesseldorf - in the cultural area called Hombroich - the Japanese star architect Tadao Ando has created an impressive architectual adventure. Since September 2004 is the house of Langen Foundation one of the first-class addresses for exhibitions and events. Art, culture and communication form a unit. The guests experience a great time and unforgettable impressions.

shopping mall "CentrO Oberhausen"

Centroallee, Oberhausen, 46047

CentrO is a shopping mall and part of a large commercial development in Oberhausen. It is Germany's largest shopping mall with 119,000 sq. meters of sales area and 830,000 sq. meters of operating space. You also can find numerous touristic attractions, for example the Sea-Life-Aquarium and the leasure harbor. As viewpoint the Gasometer Oberhausen and the waterpark AQUApark. Additional attractions like Legoland Discovery Centre or Sea-Life adventure park were opened in spring 2013.

The Rheinturm

Stromstrasse 20, Dusseldorf, 40221

The Rheinturm is a striking landmark on the Dusseldorf’s Rhine skyline. It is 240 metres high, with a glass-fronted 180-seat restaurant at an altitude of 172 metres that rotates on its axis once an hour. Bar & Lounge is located below the restaurant as is a viewing platform with a breathtaking view of the Rhine metropolis. When the weather is good, one can see as far as Cologne Cathedral. The two lifts convey visitors to the various levels at a speed of 4 metres per second. Barrier-free access.


Restaurant "Spitzweg"

Serves sophisticated German cuisine; closed on Sundays. Reservation required.

Restaurant "Da Michele"

Typical Italian Restaurant! Very good cuisine. Michele cooks and the whole family helps. Especially on weekends, reservation is necessary! Open daily from 12 noon till 3 pm and 5.30 pm till 11 pm. Closed on Sundays.


Front desk: 49-2131-1840

Email: info@hi-neuss.de

Anton-Kux-Strasse 1 Neuss, 41460 德国

Check-in: 2:00 下午

Check-out: 12:00 下午

Minimum check-in age: 18