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Holiday Inn Brighton - Seafront


ビジネスでもレジャーでもご旅行の目的に関わらず、便利で快適なご滞在と豪華な設備を備えた快適なご滞在をお楽しみください。 魅力的なブライトンの街を一緒に発見しませんか



4/5 Pavilion Buildings, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, BN1 1EE

The Royal Pavilion, also known as the Brighton Pavilion, is a Grade I listed former royal residence located in Brighton, England. Beginning in 1787, it was built in three stages as a seaside retreat for George, Prince of Wales, who became the Prince Regent in 1811, and King George IV in 1820.


Madeira Dr, Brighton, BN2 1TW



4 Madeira Dr, Brighton, BN2 1ET

Enjoy miles of beautiful gently sloping shingle leading to the English Channel, during a hot summers day, an ideal place to call down and relax.

Brighton i360 Viewing Tower

Lower Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 2LN

高さ450フィートから見たブライトンの最高の風景。 ブライトン、サウスダウンズ、サウス海岸の素晴らしい景色。

ランピオン ビジターセンター

イースト・キー、ニューヘブン・ハーバー、ニューヘブン、イースト・サセックスBN 9 0 BN

The aim of the centre is to increase awareness and understanding of the wind farm itself, as well as to raise knowledge about offshore wind energy and global climate change. It houses exhibitions, videos, VR experience, and other interactive displays so that visitors can learn more about wind energy and discover the whole Rampion story.


フロントデスク: 44-3333-209324

Eメール: frontdesk.hibrighton@kewgreenhotels.com

Kings Road 137 Brighton, BN1 2JF United Kingdom

チェックイン: 4:00 PM

チェックアウト: 11:00 AM

チェックイン最低年齢: 18