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Holiday Inn Express 苏圣玛丽


We offer 2000 square feet of meeting room space equipped for any setup. From a small boardroom for 8 to a theatre style for 90. We also offer a/v solutions and an on site staff for your meeting needs.

Empire Room (Can be divided as 2 rooms)

1,895 square feet. 43' wide X 44" long. Can be partitioned into 2 smaller spaces.(18'X44') and (25'X44')


90 宾客


  • 打印服务

  • 扫描仪
  • 复印服务
  • 打印机
  • 干洗衣服送洗或洗衣熨烫服务

  • 当日干洗服务

  • Wi-Fi throughout hotel