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Verno House Budapest



Discover Verno House, where luxury meets convenience. Nestled in a prime location near the Danube and Liberty Square, with the majestic Parliament nearby. Embrace elegance and explore Budapest effortlessly from our central haven.


St. Stephen's Basilica

Szent István tér 1., Budapest, Hungary 1051

St. Stephen's Basilica is a Roman Catholic basilica in Budapest, Hungary, 6 min walk from Verno House. It is named in honor of Stephen, the first King of Hungary, whose right hand is housed in the shrine.Today, it is the third largest church building in present-day Hungary. It is the largest church in Budapest and a World Heritage Site.

Hungarian Parliament Building

Kossuth Lajos tér 1-3., Budapest, HUngary 1055

The Hungarian Parliament Building, also known as the Parliament of Budapest after its location, is the seat of the National Assembly of Hungary, a notable landmark of Hungary, and a popular tourist destination in Budapest.

Verno House Budapest

Október 6. u. 26, Budapest H-1051 , HU

登记入住 - 3:00 下午,退房 - 11:00 上午
The hotel provides valet service for the hotel guests.