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voco Vienna Prater


Austria’s capital Vienna offers a blend of imperial traditions, music, and endearing charm. A city that inspires with the old and the new alike, and always has a cosy place available in a coffee house or wine tavern.


Leopoldstadt, Vienna’s 2nd district, is bordered by the Danube river and the Donaukanal and is located between the Prater and the historic center. It is home to the largest park in the city and, being one of the largest areas, it has several neighborhoods of its own. Include a stroll through Karmelitermarkt, walk along the busy Praterstraße, and explore the neighborhoods Nordbahn-or Struwerviertel


Prater Vienna

Riesenradplatz 2, Vienna, Vienna 1020
1.24 MI/ 2 KM away

Adventure, tradition, and Viennese charm at once - no other place radiates so much energy and joie de vivre as the Vienna Prater. A fascinating world awaits visitors and guarantees entertainment for both young and old. Full of turbulent roller coasters, spooky ghost trains and attractions of all sorts - there is hardly any other place in the world to challenge your senses in this intoxicating way. Time flies here while spendind a few pleasurable hours with your family, enjoying the Prater.

Cozy and central: Restaurant Beim Hofmeister

Bräunerstraße 7, Vienna, 1010
3 . 1 7 MI/ 5 . 1 KM 離開

It's always worth looking left and right - especially if you're searching for authentic restaurants. Just a few steps away from the shopping street, in a side street, the "Beim Hofmeister" is known for its hospitality and cuisine. The house, partly built on medieval elements, is an early baroque palace in which chef Helmut Jakesch now serves Viennese specialties as well as Austrian and international dishes.

Home of the Schnitzel: Figlmüller

Bäckerstraße 6, Vienna, 1010
2 . 3 6 MI/ 3 . 8 KM 離開

Since 1905 people have been socialising in the Wollzeile. Originally opened by Johan Figlmüller as a wine tavern, the restaurant is now famous for its interpretation of the Wiener Schnitzel and many other dishes of Viennese cuisine. The delicacies are still served with a glass of self-produced wine. The homely atmosphere is created by the cosy furnishings with lots of wood, the friendly green accent colour and a decent number of memorabilia on the walls.

Dining with depth: Brezl Gwölb im Ledererhof

Ledererhof 9, Vienna, 1010
3.11 MI/ 5 KM away

The fun fact about the Ledererhof, built in the 14th century, is that the building’s underground had more meters than the structure above the ground. Of the four cellars in total, however, only the first basement floor was preserved. Before the Brezl Gwölb – “Gwölb” describes both the architecture and the restaurant itself - there was a bakery, one of the first in which pretzels were made. Today, home-style cooking is served in the candlelit vault and in the garden accompanied by classical mus

From columend hall to night club: Volksgarten

Volksgarten, Heldenplatz, Vienna, 1010
3 . 7 9 MI/ 6 . 1 KM 離開

The name says it all: The Volksgarten, one of Vienna's trendiest clubs, is located in the middle of the park of the same name in Vienna's 1st district which was created in 1823. The history of the club also begins in the year the park opened: it was then built as a columned hall by Peter Nobile and later converted into a dance café. The winter garden and the original furniture are in stark contrast to the modern design of the disco, but offer a wonderful retreat.

Sand, street food und swimming: CopaBeach

CopaBeach, Vienna, 1220
1 . 6 8 MI/ 2 . 7 KM 離開

Sandy beach or green meadow? The CopaBeach offers both. Of course, with an unobstructed view of the New Danube and direct access to the water. Gastronomy, sports and leisure facilities can be found along the shore. On sun loungers under parasols, you can relax with street food, frozen yogurt and drinks. Choices of Greek, Mexican and Italian cuisines are available around the area. CopaBeach is only one subway station away from the voco™ Vienna Prater.

Austria’s highest church: Domkirche St. Stephan

Stephansplatz 3, Vienna, 1010
1 . 9 9 MI/ 3 . 2 KM 離開

Er beheimatet einen der weihevollsten und schönsten Kirchenräume der Welt: Die im 12. Jahrhundert gegründete Domkirche St. Stephan beeindruckt allerdings nicht nur mit ihren Innenbereichen. Das Wahrzeichen Wiens ist über 100 Meter lang und 72 Meter breit – es ist eines der wichtigsten gotischen Gebäude Österreichs. Der Südturm des Doms ist mit 136 Metern der höchste der vier Türme. Wer die 343 Stufen in die Türmerstube erklommen hat, wird mit einem großartigen Ausblick über Wien belohnt.

Great views, fine arts: Schloss Belvedere

Schloss Belvedere, Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27, Vienna, 1030
3 . 0 4 MI/ 4 . 9 KM 離開

Belvedere Palace is part of a baroque ensemble comprising Upper Belvedere, Lower Belvedere and connecting gardens. The latter is the oldest element of the area. The building with the illustrious name “Beautiful View” was completed by Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt for Prince Eugene of Savoy. Together with Belvedere 21, an architectural icon of post-war modernism, the palace complex is home to temporary exhibitions and works of contemporary art.

Culinary hotspot for everyone: Naschmarkt

Naschmarkt, Vienna, 1060
2 . 9 8 MI/ 4 . 8 KM 離開

There are around 120 market stalls and bars in Vienna's Naschmarkt, probably the most famous area for culinary diversity - from local specialties to Israeli-oriental delicacies. Foods were traded here as early as the beginning of the 20th century. Many sales stands have now been converted into modern eateries that combine old and new architecture. The flea market on Saturday and DJs who are spinning on the weekends also ensure a colourful crowd.