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Explore Villingen-schwenningen with your furry friend at one of our Villingen-schwenningen Pet-friendly Hotels

When you're traveling to Villingen-schwenningen with your pet and need to find a pet-friendly hotel, just check these listings. Review the available hotels and read real reviews from verified guests at these dog-friendly hotels. Check hotel availability and pricing for your stay using IHG's hotel finder. When you book your room with IHG, you're assured a great deal and a comfortable stay with our Best Price Guarantee. We boast 2 pet-friendly hotels in Villingen-schwenningen, with a variety of amenities.

輸入您的旅行日期以檢視酒店客房的最佳優惠並使用我們的高級搜尋功能尋找配備您想要的設施的酒店。 當您以IHG 優悅會會員的身份住宿時您還可以享受酒店內的免費無線網絡連接。 我們的部分飯店設有室內游泳池而其他飯店則提供熱早餐、客房內廚房和水療服務。 我們協助您輕鬆預訂旅程中的理想飯店。


Find Pet-friendly Hotels in Villingen-schwenningen

  • Holiday Inn Express 辛根

    Holiday Inn Express 辛根

    Am Schlossgarten 5
    Singen, 78224, Germany
    0 . 0英里 ( 0 . 0 公里) 距離市中心
    • 泊車
    • 可帶寵物
  • 菲林根施維寧根假日飯店

    Holiday Inn Villingen - Schwenningen

    Klinik Strasse 3/1
    Villingen-schwenningen, 78052, Germany
    5 . 0英里 ( 8 . 0 5 公里) 距離市中心
    • 泊車
    • 可帶寵物
    • 水療中心

Villingen-schwenningen Hotels Frequently Asked Questions


IHG offers 2 pet-friendly hotels in Villingen-schwenningen so you can bring your furry friend with you on your next trip. Search by your preferred hotel amenities to find the best hotels near you in Villingen-schwenningen.


Our pet-friendly hotels in Villingen-schwenningen offer a variety of pet amenities including pet bowls, beds, treats, and more. Check each hotel's website for specifics on the pet policy for that location.


您只要透過 IHG.com 直接預訂並且是 IHG 優悅會會員即可享有最優惠的房價。 IHG One Rewards 會員所賺取的積分可兌換 IHG 飯店的免費住宿。 此外飯店全年都提供套裝行程。 查看飯店的優惠頁面以獲取最新的優惠。


Find the best deals on hotel accommodations in Villingen-schwenningen through the IHG Hotel Deals And Discounts available to you. View the hotel's website for specifics around their pet policy.


2 IHG hotels in Villingen-schwenningen invite you to bring your pet along when you stay with us. Book your pet-friendly accommodations online, then call the front desk to give them your reservation confirmation number and ask them to add your pet to the reservation.