Jesmond Road Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 1PR United Kingdom
Check-in: 3:00 pm
Check-out: 12:00 pm
Minimum check-in age: 18
Parking at a charge 11.5 GBP
Parking for registered guests only
Car Park is charged at £11.50 per day Height Restriction 6ft (in-door parking) Limited availability for vehicles over 6ft outside the hotel Electric charging points available onsite
EV charging
9 spaces available
Two high speed and seven standard charging points charged as used
Accessible parking
Flat terrain between parking and entrance
Kerb ramps and wheelchair accessible street parking
Number of wheelchair accessible parking spaces: 2
Disabled or Accessible Parking
Ramp Access to Property
Ramp access to hotel bar lounge
Ramp access to leisure facilities
Ramp Access to Hotel Restaurant
Parking drop-off point adjacent to entrance
Local Shuttle
There is no Local Area Shuttle available at this hotel.
Airport Shuttle
Newcastle International Airport (NCL) Shuttle not available