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Kids eat free image

Kid preferred

Top 5 reasons kids love Holiday Inn® Hotels

Our meals are free image

5. Our meals are free.*

Mum doesn't get a bill for our food, which always makes her happy.

We're VIPs image

4. We're VIPs

When we're at Holiday Inn, everyone is treated like a VIP, even the kids!

We can stay for free image

3. We can stay for free**

Sleeping in our parents’ room means lots of time together.

We get our own special menu image

2. We get our own special menu

We get to eat the foods we like. And order from our own special menu.

We can have all the fun we want image

1. We can have all the fun we want

Unlike some hotels, Holiday Inn welcomes kids. It's kinda like home, but a lot better.

*Kids Eat Free: for children aged 12 and under ordering from the restaurant Kids’ Menu with at least one adult guest when staying at Holiday Inn hotels.

**Kids Stay Free: up to two children aged 17 and under stay free when sharing a room with up to two adults at Holiday Inn hotels.

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