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Holiday Inn Express & Suites 巴吞鲁日东


Our hotel in East Baton Rouge has the perfect facilities for your next event, with two meeting rooms, complete with video conferencing and A/V equipment, one able to seat up to 50. Our location means easy access to three major airports for your guests.

Louisiana Room

The 750 square foot Louisiana Room features a projector screen as well as a dry erase board. Upon request, a podium can be provided. The room can be set up in a variety of ways customizable to your event.

Ground Floor

50 Guests


The Board Room features a table with Executive type chairs ready for your next business meeting.

Ground Floor

10 Guests

We've got you covered

  • Comprehensive multimedia + audio visual support

  • Office supplies available for meeting rooms

  • Meeting registration services

  • 扫描仪
  • 复印服务
  • 打印机
  • Wi-Fi throughout hotel

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