750 Cannery Row Monterey, California 93940 United States
Check-in: 3:00 pm
Check-out: 11:00 am
Minimum check-in age: 18
Controlled access to parking
Parking at a charge 45 USD
Parking includes in/out privileges
Parking for registered guests only
Valet parking 45 USD
Valet parking in/out privileges
EV charging
6 spaces available
EV Charging stations are available for registered guests who have purchased valet parking.
Accessible parking
Accessible self parking available
Van accessible self parking available
Number of wheelchair accessible parking spaces: 10
Disabled or accessible parking
Ramp access to property
Ramp access to hotel bar lounge
Ramp access to leisure facilities
Ramp access to hotel restaurant
Local Shuttle
There is no Local Area Shuttle available at this hotel.
Airport shuttle
Monterey Peninsula Airport (MRY) Shuttle not available San Jose International Airport (SJC) Shuttle not available San Francisco International Airport (SFO) Shuttle not available