14255 North 87th Street Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 United States
Check-in: 3:00 PM
Check-out: 11:00 AM
Minimum check-in age: 21
We have complimentary parking for registered guests at the hotel.Outdoor parking only, with accessible parking available. Hotel is not liable for any loss or damage caused to a guest's vehicle.
Tesla Car Charging Stations Available to guests.
EV charging
2 spaces available
Two complimentary charging stations are available for hotel guests on a first come first serve basis.
Local shuttle
Lyft for Business
Radius Covered: 5 miles
Complimentary Lyft for Business for up to 4 ppl. at a time. Daily from 6AM-10PM Please reserve at the Front Desk.
Airport shuttle
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) Shuttle not available
Accessible parking
Accessible self parking available
Van accessible self parking available
Flat terrain between parking and entrance
Curb cuts and street parking wheelchair accessible