250 Monsignor O'Brien Highway Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141 United States
Check-in: 3:00 PM
Check-out: 11:00 AM
Minimum check-in age: 21
Parking at a charge 50 USD
Parking for registered guests only
On-site self park available $50 per night. Hotel has a limited number of first come, first service on site spaces and may need to direct guests to an overflow lot should our main lot be full.
Public transportation
Green Line/Lechmere Stop
Lechmere T Station (on the MBTA Green Line)
Local shuttle
There is no local area shuttle available at this hotel.
Airport shuttle
Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) Shuttle not available Manchester Airport, NH (MHT) Shuttle not available TF Green Airport (Providence), RI (PVD) Shuttle not available
Accessible parking
Accessible self parking available
Van accessible self parking available
Flat terrain between parking and entrance
Curb cuts and street parking wheelchair accessible