2192 Highway 441 South Dublin, Georgia 31021 United States
Check-in: 4:00 PM
Check-out: 12:00 PM
Minimum check-in age: 18
Parking for registered guests only
Complimentary parking on the property. Not able to accommodate tractor-trailers in the main lot. They must use the gravel truck parking lot across the street.
Accessible parking
Accessible self parking available
Van accessible self parking available
Flat terrain between parking and entrance
Curb cuts and street parking wheelchair accessible
Number of wheelchair accessible parking spaces: 6
Disabled or accessible parking
Ramp access to property
Ramp access to hotel bar lounge
Ramp access to leisure facilities
Parking drop off point adjacent to entrance
Local shuttle
There is no local area shuttle available at this hotel.
Airport shuttle
Macon Municipal Airport (MCN) Shuttle not available W. H. Bud Barron Jetport (BBJ) Shuttle not available